Remember, orthodontic treatment success depend on 50% on the patient. So patient’s co-operation is a must. There are three major roles which is mandatory for successful treatment outcome-maintaining appointments, oral health and appliances.

Maintain the Appointments

If appointments are not maintained properly, both treatment cost and duration will become more in addition to poor treatment outcome. Patient should report at the clinic at least 15 mins before appt. time. Please leave the correct postal address and contact number with us. It will help to inform in advance, if the appointments are to be rescheduled. In case any change in address/numbers kindly notify promptly.

Maintain Oral Health

The design of the fixed appliances is such that it can invite food accumulation easily. If ignored, it can simply damage the health of the teeth, gums and underlying bone. To avoid these all you need to do is brush – meticulously and perfectly. It cleans your appliances as well. Here are few tips for effective brushing.

  • Dispense the paste only to a peanut size. Do not take to the full length of the brush head which can cause excess foam and gag. It’s not economical too.
  • Brush in front of a well illuminated mirror.
  • Brush at least twice daily: morning and at night before bed.
  • Brush with up and down / circulatory strokes (never side to side). This preserves the attachment of gums.
  • Keep your face loose and relaxed while brushing the outer surfaces of the back teeth. Too much stretching of facial muscles will prevent the access of the brush head to those areas.
  • Massage the gums after brushing using your fingers with gum paint or as advised.
  • Use floss (waxed/medicated thread) to clean teeth along their contact surfaces. Learn the correct method of flossing either from orthodontist / follow manufacturer’s instructions. You may floss whenever needed. Do not use a tooth pick or any sharp pins to clean the contacts.
  • Gargle using mouthwash as prescribed. Gargle circulates the liquid all over the mouth and throat and helps remove food debris and mucus deeper down from tonsils and throat. Keep in mind, mouthwash cannot replace brushing. Mouth washing is useless.
  • Hence first brush, then floss, massage gums and finally rinse with mouthwash. Do it like a ritual everyday & night regularly and feel the difference.
  • Please bear in mind that whatever may be the design of your brush it is the method of brushing that is more important than the brush itself. This applies for powered brushes too.

Maintain your appliances

a. Fixed appliances:

Apart from brushing, your diet has an important role in maintaining the braces.

The braces (tiny attachments fixed on teeth) though are firmly bonded it can still be weakened by heavy biting forces leading to dislodgement / breakage. An important tip to avoid bracket breakage is to watch the consistency of your food.

Say an absolute “NO” to these foods

  • Hard foods: toffees, candies, nuts
  • Sticky foods: dry fruits, chocolates
  • Chewy foods: Pizza (especially the crust), toasted bread, burgers etc.
  • Crunchy foods: popcorn, ice, chips, chakli/muruku
  • Fruits: apples, pears, guava etc. (the veggies and fruits can be had in bite sized pieces).
  • Grass: sugarcane etc.
  • Other foods like rotis, parathas, meat and some nuts may be consumed in softer consistency.
  • For example, if you are a peanut favorite go for the boiled ones. Chicken lover? Choose a soft cooked bite sized chicken piece rather than a fried kabab. It saves your braces. Also bear in mind not to starve. Your health is important for an effective treatment.
  • Apart from the foods mentioned above, any other hard/chewy foods of your region must be avoided.
  • Avoid foods will artificial colors and drinks like tea & beverages as they can stain any part of the appliance. The natural color of raw beetroot also can stain.

Other habits to be avoided:

Biting on fingernails, pencils, erasers, pens, keys, opening bottle caps etc. If you are in sports and games, a protective mouth guard will be given.

Removable appliances:

  • Wear the appliance throughout day and night except while eating and brushing or as instructed by us.
  • Remove the appliance while brushing, brush the teeth, clean the appliance and wear it.
  • Remove the appliance while eating.
  • When appliance has to be removed, store it in the specially designed containers. Never keep the appliance in your pocket/bag.
  • Never allow the appliance to be dry.
  • Do not chew gum.
  • The appliance can be cleaned using toothpaste or mild detergent or with commercially available cleansing agents. (use only water with room temperature. Do not use warm or hot water). Do not use home bleaching agents.
  • If the appliance is broken, remove it store in water (room temperature). Do not use home bleaching agents.
  • Keep up your regular appointments.
  • Do not play with your appliance.