Now that you have your braces, how do you take care of them? It’s extremely important for you to know how to properly take care of your braces throughout your entire orthodontic treatment. Proper oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, etc.) is the best way to prevent cavities and gum problems that can damage your teeth.

Brushing and Elastic Instructions

Now that you have your braces in place, it is just as important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen as it was before. Braces, bands, wires and retainers can all trap food particles and make it difficult to brush and floss away plaque. Careful brushing and flossing, preferably after every meal and snack, is the best way to prevent plaque build-up, tooth decay and gum disease.

Brushing With Braces

Start at the outside of the teeth with the toothbrush at a straight angle and massage any loose food particles out of your braces and wires. Next, clean the area between your braces and your gums by angling your toothbrush down on your top teeth and up on your bottom teeth. Use a circular motion to message your gums. Clean the rest of each tooth by angling the brush up between the wire and braces on your top teeth and down on your bottom teeth. Next, carefully brush the chewing surfaces of each of your top and bottom teeth. Finish by brushing the inside of all of your teeth, especially the inside of your lower front teeth, where plaque can easily accumulate around retainers.

Next, try to floss every night after you are done brushing. To floss with braces use the special floss threaders given to you in the bag of goodies you got when you first got your braces on. Floss between each and every tooth and between your gums and each tooth. If you are having problems flossing please ask us at the office to show you how to do it.

When you are finished brushing and flossing, rinse with water or mouthwash. A mouthwash can help minor gum inflammation and irritations from braces. Lastly take a good look in the mirror and make sure each and every tooth and brace are sparkling clean!